Howard Greenberg Gallery Archives - PROVOKR

Tag: Howard Greenberg Gallery

Ruth Orkin, Street Embrace, New York City, 1948-50 © Ruth Orkin Photo Archive

Speaking of her time in India photographing street vendors, circus performers, and prostitutes, Mary Ellen Mark (1940-2015) said, “My greatest advice to any young artist would be, photograph the world as it is. There is nothing more interesting than reality.” … Continued

TAG: Howard Greenberg Gallery

On exhibition for the first time through a U.S. gallery, the Howard Greenberg Gallery is showing Pieter Henket’s Congo Tales via its online viewing room. A display of masterful chronicling, Congo Tales showcases the dedicated art of storytelling throughout extended … Continued

TAG: Howard Greenberg Gallery

the last father pieter henkert
Snow Scene, 1960 Saul Leiter Foundation, courtesy Howard Greenberg Gallery, New York

Saul Leiter was uniquely inspired by Abstract Expressionism and the work of Henri Cartier-Bresson. Once you know that you understand his huge contribution to the art of photography. More importantly you can see it in his work. You can begin … Continued

TAG: Howard Greenberg Gallery

The work of William Gedney is absolutely remarkable. He was not well known during his lifetime but recognized and admired by his circle of peers and certainly from an academic standpoint. Now his work is rightly revered. No wonder, he … Continued

TAG: Howard Greenberg Gallery

San Francisco, 1966-67 © William Gedney photographs and papers, David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Duke University, courtesy Howard Greenberg Gallery, New York
Bus Stop USA, NYC, 1985 ©Harry Gruyaert Courtesy of Howard Greenberg Gallery

Color, composition, magic light and that perfect moment – Harry Gruyaert has it all. His first solo show in the U.S. is at the esteemed Howard Greenberg Gallery in New York City. Harry Gryuyaert is a Paris-based photographer, born in … Continued

TAG: Howard Greenberg Gallery