Tag: charlie hunnam

TAG: charlie hunnam
The career of a Hollywood actor is not an easy path to travel. Along the way, there will be so many people telling you no and rejecting you but you can persevere if you work hard and stay consistent. This … Continued
TAG: charlie hunnam

Back in April, NBC announced that a reboot of Queer as Folk would hit its streaming service Peacock at some point. The OG British version ran from 1999-2000, and the first American series set in Pittsburgh ran for five seasons … Continued
TAG: charlie hunnam
Charlie Hunnam has only 29 credits to his name, yet he’s still managed to make a lasting impression. His early career had many false starts, but he finally achieved recognition around 2008, playing Jax Teller on Sons of Anarchy. Since … Continued
TAG: charlie hunnam

February is right around the corner, which means a whole new slate of movies will be hitting the big (and small) screen. Of course, February also means Valentine’s Day, so we get a litany of new romantic movies for the … Continued